Tuesday, April 20, 2010

She's how old already?

WOW!!! Audrey is one month old today! That is absolutely insane. It feels like she has been here forever, and like we brought her home yesterday. Crazy, right?? It has been a spectacular month, I will say that.
I think Jeremy and I have learned so much about each other and ourselves while we have started to see peeks of Audrey's personality. She is starting to show little bits of who she is and who she is becoming, and I cannot wait to discover it with her. So far, she doesn't "look" ovewhelmingly like either one of us, but has some traits of each of us. She has Jeremy's eyes (thank goodness), but is cursed with her momma's short legs. Temperment wise, she is as relaxed as her daddy! She sleeps like him too! A stick of dynamite could not wake either of them ;) On the other hand, when this little girl is hungry, and isn't fed promptly, she gets CRANKY. She gets that from her momma!
I hope that when the time comes, she is secure in who she is as a person, and has the confidence to express herself.

I am so excited for the next part of the parenting "journey". I just hope this little girl always knows how much she is loved and adored.
I can't wait to see what's in store for all us!

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