Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ramblings of a Preggo....

I have been thinking about this blog post for 2 weeks. I have 4 million thoughts running through my head at any given moment, so I am afraid I couldn't come up with anything cohesive.

Finish reading this blog at your own risk: You will be subjected to the ramblings of a pregnant lady.

My fore most thought is always baby #2, who still doesn't have a name, crib, or nursery to sleep in. We still haven't made any significant decisions in any way, and we still haven't started on the nursery. I already feel like a neglectful mother.. and I am 1 and a half weeks away from my 7 month appointment. YIKES!!!!!

Secondly, I have to go on a business trip. A management seminar for 5 days! 5 whole days! 5 days away from Audrey!! I have NEVER left her for that amount of time. Leaving her for one night makes me uneasy, and usual only happens with some prodding from Jeremy. 5 days may just give me a panic attack! I do feel some relief that Jeremy will be with her, it's just not the same. At this point, she is literally learning something new every day, and I don't want to miss one second. Alas, the real world is calling for me, and I do have 2 kids to send to college, so I guess I will begrudgingly get on the plane...blah!

Thirdly, Audrey is growing so fast, I can't keep up. She learns so fast, and is just an absolute happy little girl. She looked at me this morning, and said "morning momma". My heart absolutely melted. She has a fairly extensive vocabulary and is constantly traipsing around at a steady run. She is starting to show a little more of a toddler personality, telling the dog, "no, no, no" with her hands on her hips. She loves to carry any type of bag, like a purse. She will throw her purse over her shoulder, walk to the door and say "bye bye", and grab my car keys. I think we may have our hands full in a year or so!!

I have more to ramble about, but it is getting close to bedtime. I have to go to bed a little early to compensate for getting up every 2 hours to pee..... Mommas you know what I mean ;)

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