Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Estrogen x 2!!

It's a girl!!

 That's right...two teenage girls in the house at the same time! YIKES! Or of course, as Jeremy put it, "We have two weddings to pay for!"  I think he was in shock for a solid 30 minutes after the ultrasound technician told us, it was quite funny!! Then of course, he thought about the bathroom situation, which will luckily will work out in our house...I am telling you the Man upstairs planned this one well :) Then of course, as he often does, he made me so proud, when he looked at me and said "I get to have 2 daddy's girls! Is it bad that I don't want them to get married, because I don't want to give either of them away?" Seriously, how sweet was that?!? I Love that man!

I braced him before the appointment, and told him I thought it was a girl. When I first found out I was pregnant I really thought it was a boy, but I think that was mostly "wishful" thinking. I really wanted Jeremy to have a boy, as he is the last one to carry on the family name. Over the past month, I have had that voice in the back of my head screaming "GIRL", and wouldn't you know it... My gut was right!

I am super excited, although a little overwhelmed to have two girls! My sister and I are close, and I can only hope Audrey and her sister are extremely close! I am very overwhelmed at the thought of two teenage girls. Those of you that know me, know the girly girl stuff is not me. I think I am mostly overwhelmed because I have 2 little girls who will be looking to me as a role model, and I want to be the best/most positive role model I can be.... No pressure!. Luckily, we have plenty of females in our family who I think are going to be wonderfully positive influences. I just don't want to pass on my negative personality traits to "my girls" ( I like the sound of that!!)  STRESS!

I was a little upset/disappointed at most people's reaction when we told them we were having another girl. I can't even count the number of people who not only asked us if we were disappointed, but voiced their "disappointment." Disappointment is not the right word I guess, I really don't know what the word would be. They were obviously happy that we were having another baby, but I felt like people were kind of  "let down"' that it wasn't a boy. I know most people just wanted us to have one of each, especially since Jeremy is the last of his family to be able to carry  on the family name, so I tried to keep that in mind. I was just frustrated because I prayed so hard for a healthy baby, not a penis! I just see things differently because of our past, and maybe I am a little oversensitive. My mental checklist consisted of , kidneys are ok, heart beat is good, spine looks fine, etc. When my checklist was complete, and everything was fine, she could have told me it was twins and I would have been just as happy (after I passed out ;)) We are so blessed to have 2 healthy girls, considering we weren't sure we would have any children at one time. Again, maybe I am just super sensitive, I don't know...hormones are currently messing with my head :)  Besides all that, my sister in law is probably going to have a house full of boys, so we can "trade" occasionally, because I am sure she needs little girls to spoil! I know my sister is looking forward to it too, after all , she can help me with the "girly" stuff I am no good at!! Again, I believe the Man has a plan for us!

We still haven't decided on a name! Even if we were going to tell everyone her name, we would have nothing to tell. We agreed on Audrey fairly quickly, and it seems perfect for her (of course,I think so). I think we are having such a hard time because we want a name with meaning. Audrey means noble strength, and her middle name. Leigh, is her great grandmother's middle name. We both absolutely adore her great grandmother, she is one helluva lady!! I want Audrey to inherit her strength, compassion, and acceptance of others. Now, where does that leave #2?? Nameless for now. I have tried to combine Jeremy's sister and my sister's middle name... and it just didn't work. Back to the drawing board. I think we are going to try to go with a classic name...maybe. At this point I am open to all suggestions :)

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