Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Procrastination panic!

I had another follow up with the ol' doc today and all looks well!! Yay! We will meet our wonderful addition in roughly 6 weeks. I am getting super excited!

The thought of bringing a baby home in 6 weeks set me into a panic last night! We have been procrastinating, not on purpose, but we are getting down to the wire in terms of getting ready for baby girl #2. We did bring out the bassinet and pack -n- play and got it all set up this weekend. I also managed to do a little shopping to make sure she isn't going to be naked when we bring her home. Unfortunately, that's about all I have managed to do in preparation for baby #2. Between my work schedule, Jeremy changing jobs, my absolute exhaustion,  and chasing Audrey around, we just honestly lost track of time. I had a minor melt down about it last night, and am determined to get this show on the road. Our nephew's 1st birthday is this weekend (which I cannot believe) so after all the celebrating we are getting down to business!

By this point in my pregnancy with Audrey we were 90% ready for her. Everything was finished except a few details in the nursery. 90% complete with pregnancy #2 and we don't even have a newborn diaper n the house! Sad right?  I do not want to make a difference between our two girls, EVER! I have 1st hand experience with that, and I always promised myself it would NEVER happen with my own kids....hence the panic! I feel like we should have prepared  for #2 the way we prepared with Audrey.  Realistically I know it's not exactly making a difference, and I know now more of what to expect with bringing home a newborn, but I never want this little girl to feel like she isn't just as special as her sister!

After the festivities this weekend, this momma will be starting Operation Get It Together!!


  1. at least you HAVE the stuff for her like the car seat, stroller, bottles, etc. and the nursery doesn't have to be completely finished because like you found with audrey, she didn't go in her room for quite a few months afterward :) don't panic! it's not like the 1st where you have NOTHING to start out with :)

  2. You amaze me Paige!! You do it all so effortlessly! Don't worry, things always come together at the end....we are so excited about baby girl #2! The question is will you change your blog name lol. Kisses to Ms. Audrey!
