Thursday, February 2, 2012

Potty Training....Kind of

Potty training!
I cannot believe we are at that point. Where has the time gone?? My baby is almost 2...Craziness!!
I think we started potty training a little too early for Audrey. Her whole world changed when we brough Livi home, and I think I pushed her a little too fast. It's also hard to be very consistent with it when we aren't home or she's at  daycare, so I did a little re-evaluating.

She has been telling us when she needs a diaper for quite a while now, and could identify the "poo" urge.
I wanted to wait until we brought Livi home and let her adjust to that before I started the potty training. I still don't think I timed it just right judging by some of her reactions

She has no problem "pee-pee"in the potty, but has been terrified to "poo" in the potty. I mean TERRIFIED. She will scream bloody murder and flip out when I try to put her on the potty when she has to "poo". She loves to flush the potty so I know she is not afraid of the noise, or anything like that. So I just stopped trying. We let her "pee-pee" when ever she told us she had to go potty, but I quit asking if she had to poop. I decided it was best to let her lead the way, after all it was about her comfort level, not mine.
AND this morning, she casually looked at me and said "potty, Mommy". Ok, let's go. I put her on the potty, she looked up and said "poopy". I braced for the didn't happen. My big girl FINALLY went poo in the potty!! I went a little crazy with the praising and excitement, but hey, I am one step closer to only having one kid in diapers. I bought a Pez dispenser today, hoping to keep encouraging her. She gets to flip the head up on her Pez and take a candy only when she potties. I hope this is just going to reinforce the behavior, and encourage the potty training. I am so ready to be DONE with diapers.

She's a pretty bright little girl, so let's hope we get this potty training thing under control.

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