Wednesday, April 11, 2012

2 year check up and catch up....

So, as I have always said..Audrey's a little petite! She is in the 18th percentile in height and head circumference, and 38th percentile in weight. But she is very healthy. "Perfectly" healthy, and still ahead of the curve for a 2 year old. Her vocabulary is quite extensive for a 2 year old, the pediatrician was pretty impressed. She only had one shot today, and this time Jeremy took her. It's the 1st appointment I have missed, but I have missed several days of work since coming back from maternity leave, to take care of whoever is sick, so he volunteered. Thank goodness! He experienced first hand, the heart break of watching a kid get shots. No fun!!

There is pretty much nothing Audrey can't do. And there is nothing she will not attempt to do herself! Her favorite phrase, besides "no", is "I can do it!" I hear that in my sleep. We have actually altered our morning routine and I get up 20 minutes earlier to deal with and combat the "independence". Sheesh...I guess it's my fault! I always said I wanted her to be independent...Wish granted!

She is 90% potty trained only having the occasional accident. I can handle that. We are still using pull ups at night, but I hope to stop that relatively soon.

We are tweaking the discipline process right now. I REFUSE to spank at this age. I don't think it's constructive for anyone, and I will not compromise my relationship with my daughter, so that leaves time out and redirection. We honestly have not done a very good job being consistent, so that is changing immediately. 2 warnings, then timeout. No negotiating or excuses, no matter where we are. That's a struggle for us in certain situations, but it is in her best interest, and we are both committed to it. As I am typing this I realized that it sounds like we have to discipline Audrey all the time, which is not true. We rarely have to use any form of discipline, a simple "No" or "Stop" usually works. She has her bad days like every other kid, when we have to use time out ALOT, but those days are few and far between. I refuse to let her think bad behavior is acceptable, regardless of the situation. (teething, etc) I think this one is harder for Jeremy because she is a daddy's girl. I don't want to impede that relationship at all, but I don't want to be the only disciplinarian, so we have come to a happy compromise.

We shall see how it goes ;)

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