Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Parental Pledge...

At our most recent visit to our pediatrician, we were told to start setting "disciplinary" guidelines... WHAT?!? Audrey is 6 months old, are you kidding me... Apparently not. So, we implemented the use of "No", and started thinking about our "parenting style". Until now, that style consisted of playing with and simply adoring Audrey every chance we could. We have basically decided that we don't "believe" in parenting in one specific style, instead we want to use a culmination of several styles. Jeremy, very articulately put it as " We don't have one specific style, we just have a pledge to our daughter." Boy, did that make the ol' brain start churning! We have compiled a list of what we call the "Parenting Pledge". Basically its a list of what to do, and what not to do, based on our own childhood experiences, our friends parenting experiences, and those random occasions when you see a horrible example of parenting at, let's say, Kroger.

Parenting Pledge to Audrey:
1. We will have fun and play as often as possible. (You will grow up too fast to pass up an opportunity for us to have fun together.)
2. Boredom is not welcome in our house... We will always find something to do.
3. You will use your manners at all times.
3.5. You may not have Mountain Dew in your sippy cup
4. Dinner will be at the dinner table every night.
4.5. Cheetos do not count as dinner
5. You can get dirty as often as you want. (There's nothing wrong with playing outside in the back yard)
6. You will not have to wear dresses 90% of the time. I have no opposition to pants and jeans.
7. I will not imposed my tomboyishness on you, but I will not frown upon it either.
8. I will not let anyone else impose their will on you. You are your own person, and that should not be stifled.
8.5 You may not go 2 weeks without a bath.
9. I will not mind if you want to go "help" Daddy while he is working on his truck, dirt bike, etc.
10. If you choose the dance/cheer leading route, that is fine. You will have to wait until you are 8 years old to start.... I just don't want it to be too hard on your body. I will be your biggest fan
10.5. Twice a month, you will have a daddy date. You get to pick where you want to go, and what you want to do (within reason) and spend the whole day with your dad. (Hopefully this one lasts long past your teenage years)
10.75. We will protect you from the "real" world as long as possible.

(The rules for teenage years started about this time.... Most of them are Daddy's rules.)
(P.S. I bet he doesn't stick to half of them... You already have him wrapped around your finger)

11. A 3.0 GPA is mandatory. (Momma's exception....if you are trying your hardest, a C is fine)
11.5 . We will have mommy daughter time at least twice a month. (same rules apply as 10.5)
12. No dating until you are 16.
13. No make up until you are 13.
14. You will have a part time job (Momma's exception... If you have a 3.0 and extracurricular activities we will compromise & work out a better solution)
15. You will pay your own car insurance and/or payment (Momma's exception.... see # 14)
16. There will be no boys in the house after 8pm (Can you tell this is daddy's rule?)
17. There will be no "princess" attitude. (Momma's rule)
18. We are going shopping at least every few months, just for fun!
19. You will learn to take care of yourself completely (Laundry, cooking, cleaning, work, etc.) you cannot expect to be taken care of. ( But I will as long as possible)
20. Baby girl, you will be loved every single day!
21. We will give you the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about what ever life throws at you.
22. Once you are exposed to the real world and its harshness, we will help you make good decisions, and trust that you will
23. You will always be loved!!

Honestly, I hope we never have to implement half of these rules. We know you are going to be a wonderful person, and are a little overwhelmed that God trusts us so much to to raise you right.. We just hope we get it right!!!

P.S. This is the 1st Draft. I will update soon, because as we were going over this, several other "issues" came up. Next edition : Religion, and "the early years"

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