Monday, September 3, 2012

Our weekend of nothing!

My mind has been constantly running at full speed for what feels like forever!! Livi is constantly (or so it seems) fighting an ear infection. As a result, her sleep pattern is anything but regular. So, add that to chasing a two and a half year old, deciding if I should apply for a promotion, nonsense with my mother (I use the term loosely), and Livi's upcoming pediatric opthomologist appointment, and the grand result is a super stressed, very very tired momma  also fighting off a ragweed attack!!

So, this weekend...we did nothing! I mean absolutely nothing! I took a nap with Livi twice, played outside with Audrey, played with Livi, taught Audrey to use cookie cutters with her playdoh, spent some time with our sweet new nephew, and just took time to breathe. Don't misunderstand me, I cooked and cleaned, picked up toys and did laundry, but only the necessities. I will probably pay for that later in the week, with a double load of household work, but that's ok.

It was nice to turn my brain off, if only for a few hours. Livi popped up with another da*n ear infection this weekend, so it wasn't quite as relaxing as I had hoped, but, that's all part of being a momma ;) I wouldn't trade it for anything!!

It was so nice to just be able to really spend time with the girls ; not while running errands, cleaning the house, or doing other "stuff".  They will be grown before I know it, and I will cherish every moment I can with them! I just hope those moments are plentiful!

We are both so caught up in being good parents. and making sure our girls are taken care of that sometimes we forget about the "Husband/Wife" part.`With two kids so close in age, it leaves very little time for me to spend with the husband. I haven't done a very good job with realizing this until recently. He NEVER complains, but honestly, it's no fun. He understands that I am a momma 1st and our girls need me now, and he is just fantastic with them!  We have several people we trust as babysitters, but we usually use them for "need/have to" situations, which doesn't help us relax or have a date night. It's a sacrifice we are both aware of, but hope it gets easier soon. I am not completely comfortable leaving either of the girls when they are sick or don't feel good, so in essence I put that limit on my self. But as I said, we had 2 kids very close in age, and I don't want to be the mom who "pawns" her kids off. Something will have to give soon though! I miss spending time with Jeremy, so we will figure it out....We always do ;)

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