Sunday, April 3, 2011

Catching up....

So... I have been on quite a haitus from the blog, for a reason I will post later...

But in the meantime, let's catch up...

My sweet baby girl is now ONE!!!! Oh how the time has flown by! It seems like yesterday we brought her home, and were oohhing an aahhing over every one of her features. Now she's ONE! Yikes! We celebrated Wed. night (her actual b-day) with several family members and homemade cupcakes. The following Saturday she had a party surrounded by her family and friends! It was quite an event! I was so proud of how well she did! Pics to come later....

She shakes her head "no-no" every chance she gets, it's quite cute (for now!) She is on the verge of walking. She is quite capable and has taken up to 3 steps at a time, but for some reason she is afraid to let go and take off. She is quite a thinker, this one.  She will look all the way around the room, and figure out how to get where she wants to go without taking her hand off anything. Oy!

At her one year check-up my little twerp weighed in at 19 lbs and 14 ouces. She is almost 28 inches long. Both of her "stats" are under the 30th percentile. She's just going to be petite! Her hemoglobin level was a little low, so they are going to check it the next time we are there just to be sure it's ok. So I have been trying extremely hard to give her an abundance of iron fortified food. She also showed the nurse quite a bit of her personality  when she pricked her finger. The nurse pricked her finger, and Audrey looked at her, shook her head, pointed her finger and shook her finger and said "uh-uh"!  Then she turned around and reached for me....It was quite adorable.

We have also had our 1st experience with the "biter" at daycare. Ironically, that's when I experienced my first momma rage. I was infuriated that some other kid, bit my child while being supervised by 3 adults... Really?!? How exactly does that happen? After a phone call, which was quite calm, I assure you, I got over it. I know she can't live in a protective bubble, but I will never be ok with my child getting hurt. I will understand that "it" happens, but if I could, I would protect her forever.  Of course, Jeremy's response was , well. "at least she's not the biter". He has a point ;)

Her vocabulary is getting larger and larger. So far she can say "bite, momma, dad, daddy, book, dog, woof woof, bubble, bye bye"  She says some other words, but none very consistently!!

That's all I have tonight.... I will continue to catch up in the next few days!

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