Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Turbulent Tuesday

My sweet girl is 8 months old today!!

This morning started off perfectly normal.... I fed and dressed Audrey, played with her for few minutes, pulled my necklace away from her a few times, and told her "no no" as she reached for my glasses. No big deal. As she reached for my glasses again, I started with "no.." and she stuck her finger in my eye. Sounds like no big deal, right??
Well, this kid has bionic fingers. In one fell swoop (or stab) she brought me to my knees. I yelled for Jeremy to come get her, because I was afraid I was going to drop her. Yes, it was that bad. She laughed. I kept telling myself it would be fine, it was just sore. I drove to work with one good eye, and one nasty red, watery eye. It will be fine, it's just sore...at least that's what I told myself. 2 hours later, my eye was almost swollen shut. Well crap! Off to the eye doc I went.
Outcome: "Gouged eye ball" according to the MD. I actually have a small hole 3 layers deep in the center of my cornea. He said most people get a cut on the eye that resembles a paper cut, a nice clean line. Me? I have a "gouge". His guess is that Audrey's fingernail caught just right and dug a small piece out. Nice!!
As I sit here blogging I have a "contact band aid" on my dilated eye, must use eye drops for 2 weeks after the "band aid" comes off, and use ice every 4 hours. Did I mention limiting all paper work to 4 hours a day?? Kind of hard in my line of work!
So.... that's my Tuesday! It's kind of funny.. I know.

P.S. I wanted to document this, so I can one day tell her she literally almost poked my eye out ;)

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