Monday, November 29, 2010


Well, it happened! Our baby girl is crawling!! I cannot explain how exciting it was to watch her first "coordinated movements".

Literally, 2 seconds after I walked in the door, I turned around, and there she was....CRAWLING! Of course I went a little nuts, the eyes immediately started watering, and the text messages went out!! As quickly as I sent them, we had a house full of proud grandparents and aunts and uncles! It was awesome!!

Now that she is in bed and I am sitting here blogging, I suddenly feel very bittersweet about the whole thing. I worried and fretted over this kid crawling, now I want her to be little again. I am excited that she can explore her own world now, but I want to swaddle her up and cuddle with her. I am immensely proud of my little girl for figuring it out, but sad that she is growing up so quickly! I guess this plethora of emotions will happen with every "milestone", in a way, just part of being a momma, I suppose.

Suddenly I am too tired to finish this blog.... I will, just not tonight. I need my rest, I have a baby to chase around now ;)

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