Monday, January 10, 2011

Juggling life in january...

Well, Ms. Audrey is 9.5 months old... and is developing quite the "personality". She has learned she can throw things, cruise along the furniture, fake cough, crawl away from mommy when she says no, stand up and shake her crib, smile when daddy says no, and he will cave in, give hugs, and throw tantrums.. Fun stuff!! Have I mentioned how much I LOVE being a mom.. it's better than I ever imagined!

In the mean time, I am in the beginning stages of planning her 1st birthday party (sniff, sniff).

Oh, yeah, I also received a job transfer!!! WOO HOO!! I am going to be 40 minutes from home as opposed to 1 hour and 20 minutes from home. I can work with that!!

So, here's what I have decided so far....

Discipline must begin for Ms. Audrey! I don't want to do it, but I will not raise a brat or one of "those" kids. But, more importantly, kids thrive better with boundaries and consequences. My biggest obstacle right now is...drum roll please... Daddy!! He thinks everything Ms. Audrey does is funny, so of course, she repeats the bad behavior. In his defense, he is working on it, and trying to contain himself. We shall see!

I am looking forward to have 2.5 more hours in my life that are not dedicated to driving. I actually have time to do one of my favorite things, COOK! I also have more time with my little twerp! Life is definitely getting better!

Audrey's 1st birthday party is going to be at home, surrounded by the most important people in her life. I want to keep it relatively small so she doesn't get overwhelmed, but I want to make it special,yet reasonable! Decisions, Decisions....

In addition to my crazy January (it's only the 10th, in case you didn't read the date stamp), we are going ahead with the "plan" to have baby #2. (I forgot how horrible prenatal vitamins are!) Honestly, this time around, it's pretty stress free! If it happens, FANTASTIC, if not, that's ok too. I have been looking around at some adoption agencies (again) and we are leaning heavily to a few specific countries, but haven't decided yet. Jeremy, says the baby will pick us long before we pick him/her, if adoption is the way we go. I really think he is absolutely right. Everything in our lives has worked out better than either of us could have planned (and believe me, I am a planner) so I am sure when we are ready to adopt, some little guy/gal will know pull on our heart strings, and be ours!!!

Well, that's my ramble for tonight! Hopefully I will get back in the swing of blogging more consistently~

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